Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Better Together Alone

Aren't those the lyrics to a song? I think they are, but I can't be sure. I know a lot of music, but I never know how I know it or where I know it from or whose it is.

So Monday nights I play volleyball. R. goes and works out. And then last night we both ended up watching a movie, but apart. In our own little condos. Perhaps we're better together alone. We're both so independent we watch movies together alone. How annoying!

Because tell me this: what is the point of having a, you know, dating partner (no, I won't say the b-friend word until he says the g-friend word first. And he probably feels the same way, and we'll wait each other out until one slips and it will probably be me and I'll be pissed), so anyway what is the point of having a dating partner if you don't see each other?! I know, I know, it's one night. But we're not seeing each other tonight, and he's leaving for the weekend on Thursday, so we're only going to see each other on Wednesday night around a bunch of other people. Whoopee. We might not even kiss, because we haven't come to a consensus on the public kissing of hello and goodbye yet.

More reasons I don't date exclusively: my condo complex is only about half full right now, but when I went home at lunch today, there was a moving truck with some phenomenally attractive young men unloading things... now, they could have just been movers, and admittedly you aren't supposed to date/hookup with people who you have to face every day, sometimes multiple times a day, for a very extended period of time (it IS a condo complex, we all own the space we live in!), but nonetheless I drove away with visions of these two hotties dancing in my head.

And then I got back to the office, had an email from R. that made me smile uncontrollably, and the movers were forgotten until it came time to write the blog. Maybe, just maybe, I will be able to date R.

Just because you've already ordered doesn't mean you can't look at the menu, right?

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