Monday, July 2, 2007

Where to even begin?

As promised, the Saturday night party brought adventures for me, but not too much drama... R. was a brat, and said afterward that the night was awkward. I didn't feel awkward at all, but then again, I showed up with two extraordinarily attractive men... we also got into an awkward conversation about cheating where he sort of accused me of cheating when we were together and I had to refute the claim and then explain that we weren't actually together... I suppose that was a bit awkward.

Anyway, I showed up with the Cali kid and his roommate, who was definitely in the top ten of funniest people I've ever met. He reminded me of my little brother, but in an I-was-attracted-to-him way, not a weird way. He was short though, they are both around 5'11". They also both ended up considerably drunker than I was, as I was driving, and I'm pretty sure they asked me to come sleep over with them... both of them... I dropped them off and went home to my dog.

At the party, the host, who happens to be one of my newfound-girl-friend's former crushes (she says he wasn't interested, I don't know) was getting pretty friendly... not that I'm complaining, as I find his particular brand of tall and goofy charming, but I am treading on thin ice... I don't want to do anything to nip my girlfriendship in the bud, and I don't want to become the run club slut either...

Both fellas emailed me this morning. Cute. We'll see where any of this goes, I'm throwing a July 4th party and all sorts of characters will be in attendance, so that should be fun!

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