Thursday, July 19, 2007

The OTHER Balance

Right, so last night was the first time I've seen R. since I started seeing The Founder. It's also the first time I've seen R. in several weeks, because we've both been out of town quite a bit. It was really good to see him, and I felt all of our old chemistry with none of the awkwardness that came with us trying and failing at having a relationship, so that was absolutely awesome. We also made a lot of history in a short time and have a lot of inside jokes, which are fun to share again.

For instance, you remember the "not a fan" joke, where he told me I needed a ceiling fan and I said "I'm not a fan." That became a running joke, and last night my a/c went out, so I immediately texted him and said something to the effect of, "my a/c is out... I need a fan!" knowing full well he would appreciate the utter irony. And he did! And he made funny jokes back and it made me really happy.

Part of me worried that it is a bad sign that I am "dating" The Founder and not texting him about needing a fan, but then it's not really bad, because that wasn't our joke. And perhaps I will become okay with R. being a close, if not best, friend, because I get all of the fun stuff without the bad stuff--the anal personality, rigid way of doing things, and independent streak. And The Founder, he is just a phenomenal person. He left me alone mostly to talk to R., but would come over and join the conversation, because we're all friends, and once R. left just me and The Founder hung out. I don't know that R. or The Founder know about each other, but my running buddy does and he doesn't seem to think it's a big deal, despite the fact that he is R.'s neighbor. He already knows me so well, I asked if I needed to tell R. about The Founder and he said, "give it more time, you don't know if it will last." Ha.

I got home and The Founder had left me a message on myspace: "you rock." What did I do to rock? And there I was, wondering if he was at all jealous of me talking to R. Silly girl. This kid is a freakin' winner. Did I mention the other night I was on the phone with a crying girl friend and he put my legs in his lap and started massaging them? Ahhhhmazing.

Also, random: THEHOTGUYATMYGYM was at the bar run club is at! He wasn't at run club, but he was there, and he was HOT! I pointed him out to friends and they agreed. He definitely noticed me too, but I didn't get a chance to talk to him. I briefly wondered if it was a bad sign that I was wanting to talk to him even with The Founder there, but then I had the thought that he's the kind of guy I couldn't get anyway, so who cares? And then I had the subsequent thought, I can get any guy I want! So there you have it.

Going out tonight with The Founder and other friends. Should be fun!

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