Friday, July 20, 2007


We went dancing last night, and The Founder does not know how to dance. Two step, swing, waltz... nada. But he totally made up for any lack of skills with sincere effort. And it was all very romantical, all the hand-holding and close-dancing, complete with little stolen kisses... we were probably that couple you hate.

But I just adore him so much, and wanted to let him know! I was looking good too, the whole mini skirt and boots thing works on me with this ridiculous long legs of mine. I was feeling good, and it felt really good to be there with The Founder. He was awesome, and at one point I wondered out loud where he came from and my friend said "heaven," which was cute only because it meant she approved.

He slept over, and this morning was fun because we got out of bed and then it was raining and cold in my house because I like to sleep with is really cold, so we got back in bed and snuggled together, which was wonderful. He left his phone in my car, so he's on the way to meet me at my office now to retrieve it. I hope no one brings up the dreaded b-word...

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