Monday, May 14, 2007

Friending My Mom on Myspace

I adore my mom, and I'm not just saying that in light of Mother's Day being yesterday. She is fun and funny and I love her. Yesterday, we were driving back from Houston and my phone was dead, so she lent me hers. I proceeded to call R., the 26-year old mentioned in my previous post. He didn't answer, and apparently called back later and got my mom's voicemail, introducing herself as C. When I called him back, he asked, "Hi, is this C.?" which was pretty funny.

R. owns a shirt that says "Your mom is in my Top 8" referring to myspace. So naturally the running mom joke lent itself to him friending my mom on myspace, only she wasn't on myspace.

Well, today my brother decided to create her an account, and she friended me. I thought it was hilarious and promptly emailed R. to tell him about it.

He friended her.

She put him in her Top 4.

And then she wrote on my wall.

... I adore these people. I was opposed to myspace before I got on it and only grudgingly use it now, but it has brought me such joy and mirth today that I can do nothing but love it for the rest of my life.

R. is friends with my mom on myspace...

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