Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Couples Weekend

Can you imagine me on a couples' weekend? I cannot, and yet there I was, all weekend, half of a couple. It was me and R., R. and me, all weekend.

Friday night, movie at my place. Saturday afternoon, my work party. Saturday night, his friend's going-away party. Sunday all day, tubing with his co-workers (FROZE MY ASS OFF), break from each other, movie Sunday night.

THE KISS FINALLY HAPPENED! Hallelujah, he's not gay, we're not just friends, and I'm not crazy!

Monday, party with his friends. It's like taking the baby out for its first showing, where everyone oohs and ahhs about how cute it is... we're out, together, around each other's friends. Or more specifically, I was around his friends, because he had met a lot of mine, but not in a couple-y setting like this weekend, where he was a date to a party.

And here is the weirdest thing, doubters, I barely noticed. I didn't freak out. I didn't get sick of being around him.

...that's some scary stuff. I could be half of a couple soon. That hasn't happened since I was like 19!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's great to know that you found your guy. It's terrific. Good Luck!